A show “This is the new standard for of the future! Lecture on startups! #1” broadcasted on BS Yoshimoto
BS Yoshimoto’s “This is the new standard for of the future! Lecture on startups! #1” broadcasted a show on MizLinx. https://bsy.co.jp/programs/by0000018284 In relation to this broadcast, we were interviewed by FAZY Magazine as well.
Article published on The Minato Daily
Our achievement was introduced on The Minato Daily published on 15th, February, 2023. A project conducted by Uchiura Fishery Cooperative awarded Shizuoka Prefectural Governor’s award for research on sudden deaths of farm-raised Japanese jack mackerel. https://www.minato-yamaguchi.co.jp/minato/e-minato/articles/130344